Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Kids Cry When They Hear Sad Songs

I think back to my childhood and there are songs that still stick in my head from the early years. One that comes to mind is "All I Have to Do Is Dream," by the Everly Brothers. I remember singing that song on the playground at Smith Mills Elementary School in Smith Mills, Kentucky in the late 1960s. There were other memorable songs, but none of them ever made me react the way these tots do. Take a look at the precious little boy in this first video as he gets emotional when listening to a song by Christina Aguilera. It was highlighted on Yahoo Shine.

A few months ago this one was making the rounds, and (sadly?) it is one of my favorites. It was written up in the UK Daily Mail.

I'm not sure I would invite either of these parents to babysit my little kids. But in fairness to them, they have beautiful children, and a good cry can be very cleansing. And better yet, they have some great blackmail material for when these youngsters get to be teenagers!

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