Friday, May 2, 2014

Dog Treats at Affordable Prices

Our precious family dogs are tiny, but they love to chew. Sometimes we walk through the house and come across something unidentifiable on the living room floor, or under the table, or on a piece of furniture. Sometimes the something is furry, but thank goodness, it never turns out to be a living creature. No, it's more often than not a piece of a chew toy, such as the squeaker.

So when we discovered the latest thing in chew products, deer antlers, we were intrigued. We bought some to try out. And they have been a big hit. We purchase our supplies at It is a convenient way to pick up a supply so as to avoid the crowds that can congregate in stores on the weekend, which is about the only day of the week for us to live-shop.

Check out and treat your beloved pet to deer antlers, bully sticks, and Himalayan dog chews (Churpis). As an added bonus, you will find yourself with more quiet time on your hands so the chews keep them occupied for hours!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

There Really Is Gold in California!

Yesterday I wrote about tragedy, and today I write about good fortune. Actually, the story is about extraordinary fortune. Good Morning America had this story about a California couple who stumbled upon a buried fortune on their ranch while out walking their dog. They discovered five cans of buried coins from the 1800s, all in pristine condition. One particular coin alone is so rare that it is worth a million dollars. All together the fortune is worth over $10,000,000.

The couple who discovered them is remaining anonymous, for obvious reasons. The picture below shows what one of the cans looked like when it was unearthed.

Credit: Saddle Ridge Hoard discoverers via Kagin's, Inc./AP Photo

The video below is from CBS San Francisco.


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tragedy in My Neighborhood

The last post I made showed a little boy sitting in a car seat crying. Luckily he was just sad over a a sad song his dad was playing. Yesterday morning, a child in a car seat had a really tragic reason to cry.

Around 11:30 a.m., a mother was in front of Nottingham Elementary School putting her child into the back of her car, via the driver's side of the vehicle. While she was loading her child in, she was struck by a passing dump truck that had a raised snow plow attached to the front. She died of her injuries at the hospital. The story was reported on WUSA Channel 9, and pictures showing the area cordoned off in front of the school are on their website as well.

The school is where our children would have gone to elementary school if they had gone to public school instead of Catholic school. I walk past it almost every time I take a walk. In the afternoon there are always dozens of people around, and I myself have noticed that some parents are oblivious to the traffic and do not seem to have the level of respect for drivers that is required in busy neighborhoods.

This incident is a tragedy that will undoubtedly cause many to question the actions of both the mother and the truck driver. Sadly, there can be no happy ending whichever way the police investigation turns out.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Kids Cry When They Hear Sad Songs

I think back to my childhood and there are songs that still stick in my head from the early years. One that comes to mind is "All I Have to Do Is Dream," by the Everly Brothers. I remember singing that song on the playground at Smith Mills Elementary School in Smith Mills, Kentucky in the late 1960s. There were other memorable songs, but none of them ever made me react the way these tots do. Take a look at the precious little boy in this first video as he gets emotional when listening to a song by Christina Aguilera. It was highlighted on Yahoo Shine.

A few months ago this one was making the rounds, and (sadly?) it is one of my favorites. It was written up in the UK Daily Mail.

I'm not sure I would invite either of these parents to babysit my little kids. But in fairness to them, they have beautiful children, and a good cry can be very cleansing. And better yet, they have some great blackmail material for when these youngsters get to be teenagers!