Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Zquared Away New Product Video

I came across this video today -- Bobbi is our new neighbor. This product is a really special one, especially if you have lots of photo albums that you would like to protect.

Here is the direct URL link:

They hava a line of products to protect other items also. To see them, go to Or you can order them on


Friday, July 19, 2013

Note to Chris Matthews: You Don't Speak for ME!

MSNBC host Chris Matthews said yesterday on his show Hardball that he was "speaking now for all white people" when he apologized to two black guests for racism. His comment was in the context of a discussion about Trayvon Martin and the not-guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman trial.

So, it is only fair (since liberals are all about fairness) that I now speak for Chris Matthews when I say, "I, Chris Matthews, am an intellectually-deprived bloviating buffon."

When will liberals stop apologizing when there is no need to apologize?

Jimmy Fallon ... Yodelling?

Speaking of Jimmy Fallon... (Well, go to my last post if that doesn't make sense.) This is another Fallon original video.

I'm not a Pitt fan, but any actor is more tolerable when s/he simply does what s/he is trained to do (act) and doesn't try to impose his beliefs on the general public by exploiting his celebrity status and the influence he has over mindless, star-struck followers.

Still, this is how a REAL yodeller does it.


Who the Heck Is Matt Harvey?

This is not really a "headline," but it's still funny.

Jimmy Fallon does some funny interviews on the street with folks. I prefer the ones that, like this one, are not political or infused with liberal bias.

Now that you know
Matt Harvey, get
his baseball card!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Must-Read Headlines for 6/28/2013: Coming Out

Long-time Muppet pals are now lovers: come out of the closet on Sesame Street

Man disfigured by shotgun blast 15 years ago comes out with new face after transplant

Vatican-connected Monsignor not likely to come out of this scandal unscathed

Alec Baldwin comes out (again) as the foul-mouthed jerk he has proven himself to be

Grandma comes out swinging at scheming, conniving granddaughter who stole $16 million in property

Odd stuff comes out of thin air and baffles authorities

Doctors baffles by the blood that comes out of this Chilean girl's eyes

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Lighter Side versus Darker Side

To start off on a lighter note, yowayowa camera woman diary is a fun website that you don't have to think about a lot. I enjoy the creativity behind this young Japanese woman's art.

Then comes reality and the darker note. Crime pays for illegal aliens. See chart below for how the Gang of Eight proposes that illegal aliens be "forgiven" their crimes while citizens and legal immigrants get penalized severely!

I'm sure yowayowa camera woman from Japan is not interested in coming to the U.S. illegally.